Side events are meetings, presentations or panel discussions on topics that are relevant to the work of the special session of the United Nations General Assembly and that are held outside the formal proceedings. Whilst the organization of these meetings is coordinated and facilitated by the Secretariat, the sole responsibility for the content of the side events (including promotional material and the events themselves) as well as for the related technical arrangements lies with the organizers. Please note that some side events might require pre-registration. Kindly reach out to the indicated email address with any question on the side event.
These events are open to registered participants of the special session. The organizations of the United Nations system are committed to enabling events at which everyone can participate in an inclusive, respectful and safe environment. Events facilitated by the UN system are guided by the highest ethical and professional standards, and all participants are expected to behave with integrity and respect towards all participants attending or involved with the event as provided by the Code of Conduct.
All times below are New York time (Eastern Daylight Time).
Organizer: UNODC, Programme on Safeguarding Sport from Corruption
The overall aim of this side event is to raise awareness about the threats posed by corruption to sport and to highlight and propose initiatives on how to overcome this threat.
Organizer: Slovakia; co-organizers: Italian G20 Presidency, World Economic Forum’s Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI) and Global Future Council on Transparency and Anti-Corruption, and World Bank-UNODC StAR Initiative.
High-profile investigations have demonstrated how, through the intentional or inadvertent assistance of gatekeepers, illicit funds flow out of developing or middle-income countries into major financial centers far removed from people and places in need of public investment. Parties to the UNGASS, including G20 countries, have, on several occasions, discussed the need to enhance the effective implementation of measures to prevent illicit financial flows, including through private sector intermediates. However, progress will only be possible when regulation and other government-driven initiatives are complemented by value-based and private sector-led approaches that effectively harness the potential and expertise of Gatekeepers themselves.
This event will serve to launch and showcase an innovative approach to enlisting Gatekeepers from highly regulated to nearly unregulated sectors to abide by the same core set of value-based practices, collectively referred to as the “Unifying Framework”.
Organizers: Sweden and Germany
This event discusses the thematic nexus of corruption and gender. It presents findings on the correlation between gender inequality and corruption and discusses how the gender equality and anticorruption agendas can be effectively linked to enhance the Agenda 2030 and Leave no one behind principle.
Organizer: United Arab Emirates, INTOSAI
The goal of this event is to shed light on the important role that Supreme Audit Institutions play in prevention and fight against corruption, which has been stipulated in many paragraphs of the UNGASS political declaration.
Organizer: Germany, Colombia, OECD Office of the Special Representative of the OECD to the UN
This event provides an opportunity for policymakers, donors and the UN community to discuss important questions on corruption’s threat to equitable, effective development, especially in the context of recovery from COVID-19 and the importance of mitigating corruption risks in development cooperation.
Organizer: Latvia; co-organizers: Lithuania, Poland
This event aims to share experience on simple, yet effective tools that serve to enhance public integrity. Internal control creates a framework that diminishes abuse of power and corruption within institutions, whereas education and training increase the knowledge and awareness of public officials themselves. The goal is to help other states in their anti-corruption capacity building by sharing concrete experiences: Latvia will speak on internal control systems for public institutions, Poland will share expertise on conducting e-learning courses for public officials and Lithuania will share latest developments on the recently launched Integrity Academy.
Organizer: United States of America
Hosted by the United States Mission to the United Nations, this panel will feature senior U.S. government representatives from the Departments of State, Treasury and Justice, as well as USAID to discuss the United States' whole-of-government approach to combating kleptocracy. This discussion will highlight signature U.S. anti-kleptocracy measures, update on new initiatives and share best practices and lessons learned.
Organizer: UN Global Compact; co-organizer: UNODC
The aim of this high-level forum for the private sector is to mark the opening of the Special Session of the General Assembly against Corruption and to recognize the role of the private sector as a key ally in the fight against corruption. This session will provide a space for private sector perspectives on the Special Session of the General Assembly against Corruption and outline steps to be taken jointly among governments, businesses and other relevant stakeholder groups to carry forward the objectives and outcomes of the Special Session of the General Assembly against Corruption.
Organizer: UNODC Mexico; co-organizers: USAID, United Kingdom, Mexico
The Mechanism, based on the UNCAC Implementation Review Mechanism, is the first effort in the world to review the application of the Convention at the subnational level. It fosters collaboration among peer institutions in anticorruption efforts.
Organizer: UNDESA; co-organizer: Group of States against Corruption of the Council of Europe (GRECO)
The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs and the Group of States against Corruption of the Council of Europe (GRECO) are pleased to invite you to a joint side event on "Building Transparent, Accountable and Inclusive Institutions" in the context of the Special Session of the General Assembly (UNGASS) Against Corruption 2021. The side event will be held virtually via Zoom.
The side event aims to showcase the importance of building transparent, accountable and inclusive institutions to foster good governance, prevent corruption and gain public trust. The event will feature interventions and discussions on the experience gained to date by the organizers in strengthening integrity in the public sector, including by reflecting on specific initiatives and good practices. Kindly see the dedicated event page for further information on the side event programme.
Organizer: Chile; co-organizers: Brazil, Ibero-American Association of Public Prosecution Services (AIAMP), Ibero-American Network of Specialized Prosecutors against Corruption, EU Program EUROsociAL
This side event will present an overview of the experiences of Ibero-American countries’ Prosecution Services in international cooperation for the fight against corruption. Best practices, efficient mechanisms, as well as challenges identified will be presented in a forward-looking perspective. Emphasis will be placed over four main topics: international cooperation, appropriate tools to identify and control illicit financial practices, recovery of illicit assets, corruption as a facilitator of other crimes and its differentiated impact on women.
Organizer: UNODC; co-organizer: Global Organization of Parliamentarians against Corruption
UNGASS is tasked with agreeing a concise and action-oriented political declaration. To implement key recommendations in the declaration, engagement with parliamentarians who play a key legislative and oversight role in progressing anti-corruption best practices is required. This session’s goal is to enhance the capacity of parliamentarians to implement recommendations from UNGASS 2021 and localise the UNCAC by adapting international standards to national needs and to play an important oversight role in the monitoring and review of national efforts in anti-corruption.
Organizer: Lawyers Without Borders Canada; co-organizers: Due Process of Law Foundation (DPLF), TOJIL
This event will focus on two areas: the crucial role of civil society in the realization of the rights of the victims of corruption in Latin America and the obstacles to the effective participation of victims and civil society organizations in the prosecution and sanction of corruption.
Through this exchange, we seek to deepen the discussion around the numerous challenges impeding the integration of a human rights approach to the fight against corruption, and to promote concrete calls to action to the relevant stakeholders.
Organizers: Center for International Human Rights (CIHR), Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law (ECOSOC NGO), USA
This side event discussed how corruption impedes global health in general and the response to the COVID-19 pandemic in particular. The panel discussion addressed specifically how to effectively anticipate and prevent corruption in the global COVID-19 vaccine rollout, from the supply chain to local access to vaccines.